Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Bangkok: Part 1

The weekend of the marathon finally arrived. The marathon I had signed up for months before, that seemed so far away, with so many weekends for long runs, was finally here. We took a 3 hour flight on Philippine Air on Friday and arrived in Bangkok around 1pm.  Right away I noticed the air smelled cleaner--in the middle of downtown.  We checked into the Sivatel where we got a great rate on a suite - 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a living room.  Toto was thrilled and spent many hours running between the three rooms.  After she passed out, The Shark and I headed out to pick up our race packets.  Stay tuned for Part 2.
Signing "airplane"
Welcome drink and cold towel
View from our hotel
Too many power lines
Culturally sensitive Ronald

1 comment:

Trisha said...

the view from your hotel is gorgeous honey! Looks like a great place to go for a marathon. I'm glad the air was cleaner and Toto had a good time. Love, Mom

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