Thursday, January 31, 2013

January Runs

I have always been like this. Documenting everything. Every mile run. Every yoga class taken. Now I even wear the Nike Fuel band (thanks Shark!) to record my calories burnt, steps taken, mileage accomplished. But I was a bit surprised when The Shark wanted me to record his workouts too. He joined a gym in his office building and sneaks away most days for quick runs. And we have been running together early weekend mornings (while Toto is properly cared for, of course). We need something to train for, but after the marathon I have been too lazy to find and register for a race. Maybe soon.

Week 1
Moi: 13.1 miles (+yoga)
The Shark: 18.07 miles

Week 2
Moi: 20.1 miles (+yoga)
The Shark: 19 miles (+ tennis)

Week 3
Moi: 22 miles (+yoga)
The Shark: 20 miles

Week 4
Moi: 25.1 miles (+yoga)
The Shark: 22.46 miles

Week 5 (How many f-ing weeks are there in January?!?)
Moi: 11.1 miles
The Shark: 13.5 miles (+tennis)

January Total
Moi: 91.4 miles
The Shark: 93.03 miles


Ashley said...

Wow! Good for you! I think I'll start recording my monthly mileage, too.

FindingMyPace said...

It makes you want to more! Not that you need the motivation:)

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