Friday, January 25, 2013

Manila's Best Crepe

OK, so Cafe Breton's crepe was only my third crepe in Manila. My first was at the Salcedo market and was too greasy. The second at the Sofitel was filled with sweet mango and was tasty. But this crepe folks, this crepe was fantastic. As it was MLK Day in the US, we had the day off and after running 5 miles through Forbes Park while Toto and Yaya played on the playground, we needed some nourishment. We almost went to Apartment 1B...again...but I remembered a friend had recommended Cafe Breton. We had excellent service, delicious coffee, and no one was smoking--a MLK Day miracle. 
I had the "Dracula" on a gallette (cheese, tomato, and garlic in a wheat wrap) and The Shark had something with lots of meat and runny eggs, but he seemed to enjoy it. 
When at a crepe restaurant, dessert is the norm, even with breakfast, right? I can't even remember what was in this, but it was so, so good.
 And The Shark insisted on bringing The Girlfriend along. She's so annoying.


Trisha said...

is the girlfriend siri? That crepe looks delicious and the coffee does too. I'm glad you found this place honey, you deserve it! kind of like the three bears, the first bed was too hard, the second bed was too soft and the third bed was just right...

Anonymous said...

I love Cafe Breton! The butter, sugar and lemon crepe is my favorite, so simple but oh so yummy! (And if you sit outside, the seats by the window are non-smoking, which is a win for me!)

FindingMyPace said...

I need to try that one!

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