Thursday, March 5, 2015

San Diego

One of the fantastic perks of our jobs is R&R. During our four years in the Philippines we are eligible for two paid trips basically anywhere, as long as it is not more expensive than a ticket to Sydney. In 2012 we went to San Diego and had such an amazing trip that we decided to go back. This time for 26 days in a rental house in Encinitas. It was a perfect home base, with Moonlight Beach and a playground just two blocks away.
After living in Manila for three years, the best part of San Diego was just being outside in the fresh cool air. In the words of this little one, "There's so much space!"

The entire family was able to spend a week together, and although it was crazy, it was really fun.

Towards the end of the trip we spent three days in Joshua Tree.

Other Highlights

Holiday Wonderland at Petco Park
Nutcracker at the Civic Theater
Garden of Lights at the San Diego Botanic Gardens
San Diego Zoo
Best fish tacos at Haggo's Organic Tacos
Siblings Brewery Tour
Sunsets at Moonlight Beach
The baby really learning how to walk
Playgrounds at Balboa Park

R&R in numbers

Mountains hiked: 5; 26 miles total
Breweries visited: 8
Miles ran: 27
Yoga classes: 3

Until next time San Diego!

Monday, October 27, 2014

21-Day Happiness Challenge

I've hit a slump. After 3 years in the Philippines, I find myself focusing on the challenges - infrastructure, traffic, pollution - instead of trying to enjoy this unique experience living in a foreign country. There are definitely positives to living here. I have never lived anywhere where people laugh or smile more. Makes me think, why am I not smiling more, too? Then I stumbled upon three stories that really resonated with me.

The first is a TED Talk by Shawn Anchor.

Instead of just talking about how cool it would be to just be happy, he challenges us to try 5 activities for 21 days to re-wire our brains to be more positive and optimistic:

1. Three Gratitudes: write down three new things you are grateful for everyday
2. Journaling: write about one positive thing you have experienced in the last 24 hours to allow your brain to relive the experience
3. Exercise: to teach your brain that behavior matters
4. Meditation: to allow your brain to focus on just one thing in the present
5. Random Acts of Kindness: write one email thanking or praising someone in your social network everyday

Then I read an article in the NY Times about the problem with positive thinking.  Basically, the author argues that your brain gets lazy if you are overly optimistic, and instead you should use "mental contrasting," where you first imagine reaching your goal, then spend a few minutes imaginging the challenges you will have to overcome to reach it.

Finally, I read an article in this month's Foreign Service Journal. Although the article, "Flying Monkeys in an Embassy" was calling me, I read a letter from a mother to her children instead. In the "Letter to my Global Nomads," three reminders really struck home for me:

1. Be open to the unique gifts each country can give you.
2. Try to find something beautiful in your host country everyday.
3. Find humor in the eccentricities. 

According to my resume, I am an action-oriented individual, so I am going to give these ideas a try over the next three weeks and see if I can be rewired.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Half Marathon on the Horizon

Fourteen months after Toto was born I ran a marathon in Bangkok.  As much as I would like to do the same after Moo Shu's birth, I know that's not going to happen.  Instead, The Shark and I signed up for a half marathon at the end of this year.  Training has been mediocre, but I am hoping to spice things up with some races for motivation.  I ran the Manila Bay Clean-Up run earlier this month, and the Life Run 10K in September and the Men's Health Urbanathalon in November sound fun. Here's a recap of running this year. Picture some yoga, elliptical, and moderate weight lifting sprinkled throughout.

Running: Moo Shu was born December 9 - cut me some slack

Running: 24.8 miles

Running: 24.8 miles

Running: 24.8 miles

Running: 18.6 miles

Running: 30.6 miles

Running: 46.6 miles

I was way more dedicated in 2012, getting out every weekend morning and doing long runs. With two kids, lots of work, continuous colds, hip pain, and doing our own cooking (right, like every other working mom in America, I know), early weekend mornings are spent funneling coffee down my throat.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Going Gluten-Free: Weeks 3 and 4

I finally finished my gluten-free month.  And while I have mostly kept gluten out of my diet, I've allowed a little in here and there. Honestly, I didn't notice anything dramatic, but overall I did feel pretty good.  But I think that was because I kept out most refined sugars and limited dairy as well.  Basically I plan to keep my diet as clean as possible, but not be super strict about it. 

March 3
B: protein shake
L: Nourish Bowl
D: Turkey, cranberry sauce, roasted sweet potato

Nourish bowls are our go-to for daily lunches.

March 4
B: protein shake
L: Nourish Bowl
D: Leftovers

March 5
B: protein shake
L: Nourish Bowl
D: Zuchini Lasagna from here

March 6
B: protein shake
L: Nourish Bowl
D: Oatmeal

March 7
B: protein shake
L: Nourish Bowl
D: Falafel burger with sweet potato fries from here

March 8
B: gluten-free banana bread
L: lentil patties, beet falafel, brown rice
D: tofu walnut burger with red rice

March 9
B: oatmeal
L: lentil patties, beet falafel, brown rice from here
D: Crock pot beef, sweet potato and mushroom stew

March 10
B: protein shake
L: Nourish Bowl
D: Leftovers

March 11
B: protein shake
L: Nourish Bowl
D: Oatmeal

March 12
B: protein shake
L: Nourish Bowl
D: Crock pot chicken curry

March 13
B: protein shake
L: Nourish Bowl
D: Falafel

March 14
B: protein shake
L: oatmeal
D: chicken cashew curry and pomelo salad from here

March 15
B: hard boiled egg and gf banana bread
L: oatmeal
D: vegan biryani

March 16
B: hard boiled egg with oatmeal cranberry bar
L: beef burger on tomato salad
D: Spaghetti: gluten free quinoa/corn pasta with turkey sauce and quinoa oat flat bread

Monday, March 3, 2014

Going Gluten Free: Week 2

B: protein shake
L: nuts and dried fruit
D: Beef tenderloin, potatoes, red cabbage slaw, Paleo brownie
B: protein shake
L: nuts and dried fruit
D: Nourish Bowl

B: protein shake
L: nuts and dried fruit
D: Nourish Bowl

B: protein shake
L: Greek salad
D: cauliflower crust pizza and caesar salad
B: protein shake
L: green smoothie (spinach, walnuts, coconut milk, banana)
D: Bibimbap

B: protein shake
L: beet falafel with marinated tofu (from Salcedo market!)
D: gluten-free spaghetti with turkey sauce

B: protein shake
L: nuts and dried fruit
D: spaghetti leftovers

Maternity Leave in Numbers

Days: 86

Miles Ran: 31

Yoga Classes: 20

Massages: 6

New Recipes: 19

Closets Organized: 3

Pounds Lost: 20

Baby and Toddler Kisses: Lost Count

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Going Gluten Free: Week 1

Breastfeeding gives me lots of iPhone research time. Recently I have been reading about the Paleo diet. I used to puke in my mouth a little when I read about it because of words like bone marrow, but I have been considering giving it a try. As a little prep, I have decided to go gluten-free for 30 days to see if I notice any improvement in my health or energy levels. Granted, I have been getting up every four hours to nurse and change Baby Genki, but I also have random pains, frequent tiredness, and occasional anxiety. Probably all normal, but wouldn't hurt to cut out processed foods, refined sugar, and gluten to see how I feel.

Here's what I had this week:

Feb 17
B: Vegetarian omelette, hash browns, coffee (duh, assume that for every day)
L: Protein shake*
D: Tofu red curry with brown rice, raw chocolate nib brownie

Feb 18
B: Protein Shake
L: Oatmeal with banana
D: Roasted portobello, roasted butternut squash, spinach salad with goat cheese and carrots

Feb 19
B: Protein Shake
L: Leftovers from dinner
S: Frozen yogurt with granola, strawberries, and coconut
D: Vegetarian chili with quinoa corn bread

Feb 20
B: Protein Shake
L: Leftovers from dinner
D: Julienne vegetable stir fry
S: apple paleo cookies  
Feb 21
B: Protein Shake
L: Leftovers from dinner
D: Spaghetti and herb flatbread
S: Vegan PB cookies
Feb 22
B: Paleo burger (what?!)--thank you Down to Earth Farms
L: Protein Shake (can't go a day without my witch's brew)
D: Vegetarian chili and quinoa corn bread (still had leftovers!)
Feb 23
B: Oatmeal with dried fruit
L: Protein Shake
D: Corn chips, salsa, hummus, and veggies (that's because I hosted a baby shower and couldn't eat the cupcakes)

*Witch's Brew: almond milk, banana, spinach, berries, tumeric, peanut butter, honey, Amazing Green