The Fun Farm really lived up to its name. Visiting requires a reservation, which is unusual for the Philippines. Some months are literally booked everyday, but this weekend with Typhoon Santi expected to make landfall, no one had booked for Sunday. We left Makati at 7:45am and were there before 8:30am. We spent the first half hour playing in the sand house, which is fun except for the duck poop. There are tire swings and a slide. Afterwards, we fed rabbits and guinea pigs, checked out the pigs, walked over the bridge on the fish pond, and even rode a horse. Then they put a wagon on the caribou and we took a ride around the grounds. The only downside was there was nowhere to go to cool down or even buy a cold drink.
The Fun Farm is open everyday from 9a-4p and costs P300 per person over 2 years old.