Saturday, August 9, 2014

Half Marathon on the Horizon

Fourteen months after Toto was born I ran a marathon in Bangkok.  As much as I would like to do the same after Moo Shu's birth, I know that's not going to happen.  Instead, The Shark and I signed up for a half marathon at the end of this year.  Training has been mediocre, but I am hoping to spice things up with some races for motivation.  I ran the Manila Bay Clean-Up run earlier this month, and the Life Run 10K in September and the Men's Health Urbanathalon in November sound fun. Here's a recap of running this year. Picture some yoga, elliptical, and moderate weight lifting sprinkled throughout.

Running: Moo Shu was born December 9 - cut me some slack

Running: 24.8 miles

Running: 24.8 miles

Running: 24.8 miles

Running: 18.6 miles

Running: 30.6 miles

Running: 46.6 miles

I was way more dedicated in 2012, getting out every weekend morning and doing long runs. With two kids, lots of work, continuous colds, hip pain, and doing our own cooking (right, like every other working mom in America, I know), early weekend mornings are spent funneling coffee down my throat.