Monday, May 13, 2013

Last Japan Post: Osaka

We had a day and a night in Osaka before we flew back to Manila so we decided to stay in an airport hotel. It was fine, but it was a 30 minute train ride from Osaka. Our flight wasn't until the evening so we got up bright and early to head into the city. I beelined for an adorable "slow food" cafe for breakfast, but realized it didn't open for another hour. The rest of our traveling party was not thrilled. We managed to entertain Toto for an hour then stood pathetically near the doorway until the let us in. Toto promptly whacked her head on a table and screamed for a while. The donuts were worth the wait.
One of the main goals was to see the moss buddha. After walking for about 20 minutes, there it was in all its mossy glory. We poured some water on it.
Then we stopped by the must-see Dotonbori street, full of huge mechanized and brightly-lit signs.
 And then sampled the local fare - Okonomiyaki - a pancake. Maybe shouldn't have gotten the cheese.
Japan was an adventure. A clean, organized, rule-oriented adventure. Hopefully we make it back before we leave Manila in 2015.

1 comment:

Trisha said...

the moss buddha is different and interesting. The pancakes look good, but not sure about the cheese, would have to try it I guess. Glad it was clean, clean is usually better. Love, Mom

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