Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Healthy Food Find: Salcedo Market

Organic foods are very easy to come by in the US, hello Whole Foods (how I miss you despite your prices).  I make every attempt to keep chemicals out of Toto's body - organic mattress and sheets, all wood crib, herbal remedies, natural body products, and mostly eco-friendly toys.  That's one area I really need to work on, at this point I would say about 40% of her toys are made from natural rubber, chemical free plastics, or solid wood.  The other 60%?  I don't really want to think about it.

When it comes to food, I am pretty strict.  Sure, we let her try a bite of pizza here and a nibble of cookie there, but I make the majority of her food from whole, organic foods and the rest is Plum organic baby food.  There are several organic farms in the Philippines that supply major grocery stores in Manila, and our favorite for imported natural food products is Healthy Options.  That place deserves a post of its own.

For some reason I overlooked--for a year--this vendor at the Saturday market.  

Awesome assortment.  This week I picked up tomatoes, eggplant, sweet potatoes, and a mini pumpkin for $5.  Made some great baby superfood recipes from Ruth Yaron's book.  Eggplant slices covered in nayonaise, breadcrumbs, wheat germ and parmesan cheese baked at 450 for 15 minutes. Sweet potato pancakes: shredded sweet potatoes, egg, onion, herbs pan fried in canola oil, then dipped in (agave sweetened) ketchup for some color.  And the old fall-back, baked pumpkin, which Toto loves.  Interested in shopping at the market?  Swing by the Jaime Velasquez Park between Leviste and Tordesillas Streets, Salcedo Village, Makati every Saturday from 7am-2pm.  


Ashley said...

Yum! Produce markets are my favorite. I don;t know what I would do without the one around the corner from our house. Love you!

FindingMyPace said...

Seriously, the quality of the produce at the markets is so much better than in the grocery store. Doesn't hurt that it is across the street from a Starbucks and next to a park - everyone wins!

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