Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Clean Water

One of my first questions I ask in a new country is "Can you brush your teeth with tap water?"  In Rwanda, I brushed my teeth at the faucet  although I had serious doubts about the country's water treatment systems, mainly because the kitchen was soooo far away from our bedroom and involved several locked doors to get there. Of course when I got pregnant, the protective instincts kicked in and I would have The Shark get my water for me.  Duh.  I haven't had our tap water tested in Manila and probably wouldn't want to know the results, so all our drinking water is delivered weekly in five gallon jugs and we usually go through two or three per week.
Hot and Cold!
Naturally I freaked out about what might be seeping into Toto's skin from the bath water so I ordered this bath filter from Amazon.  Honestly, I am not sure if it removes all the chemicals it says it does on the very weird box, but it makes me feel better.  We also use Weleda bath and skin baby products, mainly because the woman at the natural store in my parents' town told me the company was "clean" and was the only brand she carried for babies.  What I really want is an antique water pitcher that we can fill daily with fresh water for the bathroom--and surprisingly there are tons of antique shops in Manila.  Now how to convince The Shark to go antique-ing...
Upon closer inspection, this resembles what I imagine a prison shower would look like.

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