Saturday, March 9, 2013

Running February

I'm sorry, it's almost mid-March?! Where the hell did February go? Last I remember I was guiltily feeding my daughter a store bought heart cookie while admiring the hand-made Valentine our housekeeper had labored over. Mom of the year. Sorry other moms, better luck next year.

Husband's running stats fell this month. Mainly due to travel, playing in a work basketball league, and getting SCUBA certified. Dear The Shark, sorry to whoop your a$$ this month. Love, Moi. (Not that's it's a competition, because it's not.)

Week 1 (2/1-2/3)
Moi: 11 miles + Yoga
The Shark: 9.4 miles + Basketball

Week 2 (2/4-2/10)
Moi: 25.5 miles
The Shark: 22.4 miles + Basketball

Week 3 (2/11-2/17)
Moi: 25 miles + Yoga
The Shark: 13.9 miles + Surfing + Swimming + Basketball

Week 4 (2/18-2/24)
Moi: 16.2 miles + Hike 6 miles + Yoga
The Shark: 10.9 miles + Hike 6 Miles + SCUBA swims + Basketball

Week 5 (2/25-2/28)
Moi: 12.1 miles
The Shark: 10 miles

Total Running Mileage:
Moi: 89.8 miles
The Shark: 66.6 miles

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