Friday, March 15, 2013

Somewhere you probably won't go

Have you been to Tacloban? Probably not. I did and fortunately there is a nice hotel. Where they don't know how to pour beer. But they have beer, so I forgave them. I actually spent the day in Eastern Samar. Now that's the bush, folks. Got a little taste of the "real" Philippines. When I had to go to the bathroom, I asked the driver if there was a gas station we could stop at. He just laughed.
Not a bad view. Too bad it rained the whole time I was there. But that did give me a good reason to go to the spa.
Oh, and there is a tourist attraction. The Leyte Landing Memorial, commemorating the landing of General MacArthur and the American Liberation Forces in 1944. It was quite beautiful and conveniently located next to my hotel. 
And I actually learned last night that the "Rose of Tacloban" spent part of her youth here. More to come on that cultural experience.

1 comment:

Trisha said...

gorgeous view of the water! Glad you are getting to see more. Love, Mom

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