Saturday, October 27, 2012

Urban Recreation: Manila Ocean Park

Manila has a lot to offer.  You just have to be willing to battle traffic, crowds, and heat to enjoy it.  We decided to take crabby Toto to Manila Ocean Park, hoping the fish, lights, kids, etc would distract her.  Traffic was reasonable and we made it from Makati in about 20 minutes.  The line for tickets was very long and I quickly realized I should have purchased online ahead of time--lesson learned. After 15 minutes of slowing snaking through the line, I made it to one of the TWO cashiers who wanted to charge me extra for Toto.  I assumed she would be free of charge as all children under 2 feet are, but they actually measured her - a 13 month old - and decided she had to pay.  Granted, it was only about $12/person, but it was the principle, people.

Patience wearing thin, we headed inside.  Some areas were very nice, well ventilated, and nicely displayed.  Others, not so much. The poor crocodile was resting in some less than clean water with some debris tossed in by visitors.  And it was LOUD.  I am no stranger to screaming kids and they actually rarely bother me now that I have one of my own, but in a dim, tightly packed area it was a bit much.  Even Toto signed "all done." But Manila Ocean Park redeemed itself in the Jellies Room of Dancing Fairies.  With classical music playing in the background and jelly fish dancing around to changing colors, even the kids got quiet and we danced along with them.  

The strangest part was the mall we had to walk through to get to the exit.  Vendors were seriously selling everything from tiny umbrellas, which Toto desperately wanted, to frozen yogurt to high heels. Oh, and there was a vaccine clinic.  Would we go again?  Probably not until she is older.  And by then the terrifying 'Birds of Prey' exhibit should be open.
Is it better here or Manila Bay...?

Screaming Tunnel

Peaceful Jelly Fish


Trisha said...

I love the jelly fish room! Looks amazing! Love, Mom

FindingMyPace said...

Me too! We'll have to go there next time you visit. Toto loved dancing around to the classical music.

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