Sunday, November 11, 2012

Marathon Countdown

Seven days until the Bangkok Marathon!  

Highlights from my training in 2012

Longest run: 20 miles

Best week: 36.2 miles, Week of October 22

Worst week: 3.1 miles, Week of January 2

Yoga classes taken: 39 

Tai Chi classes taken: 1

Best running aid: Hammer Gel (Expresso flavor)

Races: 2

Best recovery aid: 1 hour at home foot/leg massage for $6

Total miles run this year (so far): 726.65  

I initially thought a marathon 14.5 months post-partum was a stretch, but then I read multiple accounts of pregnant women running marathons and shut the hell up.

Yeah, that 3.1-mile week was right after Christmas, family in town, and a STILL colicky baby to deal with. Best week included my 20-mile training run---I probably should have had some weeks at 40 miles, but just doing this to do it, not to set any records. Yoga has been my savior in all this.  I take all my classes at Bliss Yoga, but was fortunate enough to have an amazing private class in Bali that I will never forget. Oh, and I know, only two races (soon to be three) in 2012?! While Manila hosts tons of races and is home to thousands of runners, it just isn't a great place to run.  I ran the World Vision half marathon and the Men's Health Urbanathalon, but that might be it for Manila races.  It would have been cool to run 1,000 miles this year, but I a guessing I will get closer to 800.

Oh, and you might want to think about moving here if you haven't already.  The best foot masseuse I have ever had comes to my house.  And I can drink wine and blog.  I usually end up tipping her 75% because, folks, it is a $6 massage at my house. You can bet that is a weekly occurrence. But no, I am not getting my feet massaged as I type this, but I should be.

And one more thing, should you be wondering. I am indeed Type A and keep meticulous records of all my workouts and have been doing so since college.  So what?

Seven more days!


Foltz said...

You're ready!

FindingMyPace said...

Please have beer waiting at the finish line. Just kidding, but Toto would be nice. She can have my medal.

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