Saturday, April 13, 2013

Community Service

Every year our office (200+ employees!) organizes an event for our Leadership Day. This year we played sports with Philippine Special Olympians in the morning and did service projects in the afternoon. I signed up for bocce ball as it seemed to require the least skill, and mind you, we were playing outside in direct sunlight. My Philippine counterparts were AMAZING at bocce ball. One girl got her ball within inches of the target ball every time. I wasn't quite as good.
After lunch we split up and my group headed to a home that feeds and educates street children. I was shocked when I realized it was about a 1/4 mile from my house. The kids weren't around so we painted most of the walls white and helped organize the library.
I see shocking poverty every day on my way to and from work, and this was a good reminder that anyone can do a lot to help in just a couple hours. 

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