Thursday, December 27, 2012

Holiday Baking

The main reason I run is so that I can eat what I want. Not preservative-filled, chemical-laden, dyed and processed crap, but good, wholesome, and often a little too fatty foods. Like most people, my memories of holidays revolve around food (or maybe that's just me?). While I am the first one to dig into some mashed potatoes and stuffing, I prefer to do the baking. Peanut butter kiss cookies and snowball cookies are two of my favorites, and pumpkin pie is a must. 

I used this recipe for the kiss cookies, however, I recommend using an all-natural flour like Bob's Red Mill or King Arthur because your average flour is bleached with potassium bromate (according to the interwebs, potassium bromate has been linked to thyroid dysfunction.) I couldn't find an all-natural Hershey Kiss, so we ate some soya lecithin, vanilin, and artificial flavoring - note to self to order some real chocolate next year. For the snowball or Russian teacake cookies, I followed this recipe. Next time, I would add a little more flour to make the cookies more dense. For the pumpkin pies, I followed the recipe I have been using for years and used my brother-in-law's famous pie crust recipe. Sorry, can't reveal the family secret here. 

The Shark's brother made the famous kolachi. This Czech dessert has been a staple in The Shark's family for as long as he can remember, and it is so delicious with coffee. I also love sugar cookies, but since we had already made them in Manila I couldn't muster the energy for all that work.

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