Saturday, December 15, 2012

Sewing Their Way Out of Poverty

The Shark and I, together with some colleagues, wrote a grant to purchase sewing machines and other supplies for a women's group living about 2 hours south of Manila. The families were relocated to this neighborhood after a development project forced them to move from their previous homes. The group had a couple sewing machines that they used to make school uniforms and other items, but it wasn't enough for all the women. Our grant added 8 new machines, an edger, and some other sewing supplies that the group plans to use to make various goods to sell. The mayor graciously assisted in having the building renovated to include electricity. One woman was so excited that she wouldn't have to use the old-school foot pedal machines anymore! It was a good reminder for us to get out of our expat bubble, get out in the community, and do some good.

Taking marching band very seriously.
Ready for the ribbon cutting.
Get your wedding needs made here!

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