Sunday, April 7, 2013

Running March

It's officially summer folks. And it is HOT. Fortunately, we spent 10 days in chilly Japan eating soba and drinking sake. Unfortunately, it led to lots of not running. There were a few difficult hikes, and lots of walking. But more eating than working out. We still managed to squeak out a decent month. And I have my mom's running group to look forward to - every weekend we are out there running and talking about our kids.

Week 1 (March 1-3)
The Shark: SCUBA, Basketball
Moi: 9.6 miles, Yoga

Week 2 (March 4-10)
The Shark: 16.2 miles, Basketball
Moi: 24.2 miles, Yoga

Week 3 (March 11-17)
The Shark: 16.4 miles, Basketball
Moi: 26.3 miles

Week 4 (March 18-24)
The Shark: 12.42 miles
Moi: 19.2 miles

Week 5 (March 25-31...JAPAN!)
The Shark: 0
Moi: 0
Want to go for a run? Sure, let me just finish this soba and beer.
 And then a little more soba. And beer.
 Can we just grab some quick sake with this guy?
 And a little sashimi?
 Oh, hell. We're not going running. Might as well have some curry, sweet bread and ice cream...

March Totals
The Shark: 45.02 miles
Moi: 79.3 miles

2013 Totals
The Shark: 204.92 miles
Moi: 260.5 miles

Our only run in Japan was the first morning we arrived in Kyoto, on March 23. It was cold. But the views along the river were beautiful. Funny how fast you get acclimatized, and 55 degrees feels like the Arctic. But we are back in the saddle, squeezing in runs at lunch.


Trisha said...

I'm so glad you got to have a vaca in Japan with shark and fam. You deserve it! I'm also glad you are running with a mom's group honey. So nice to have other mom's to share with. How did you find the group? I love you so much, Mom

Kristin said...

55 degrees here right now feels like summer, and you were wearing your long winter coat in Japan!

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